Neye Himmet Neye Hizmet...
As a FETO story with its sociological dimensions, the book titled "Neye Himmet Neye Hizmet" was translated into Arabic with the title "RELIGIOUS TRADE: A Model for the Use of Religion in the Service of Political Purposes". The Arabic translation of this book was done by our team.
Yavuz Bahadıroğlu's Books
Merhaba Söğüt, the books of Suleiman the Magnificent, Yavuz Sultan Selim and Fatih Sultan Mehmed will be translated into Arabic by our team.
Zeynep Sevde Paksu's Books
The books, Filozofun Bilim Günlüğü, Süper Defter 1 and 2 will be translated into Arabic by our team.
2016 Book Translation Program
The books, Huzur Sokağı by Şule Yüksel Şenler, Yanık Buğdaylar, Çiçekler Susayınca and Azat Kuşları, Ahmet Günbay Yıldız will be translated.